Thursday, March 11, 2010

Two good videos

I haven't written for a while. Sorry about that. In the meanwhile, I'm posting two good videos for you. The first is from Witness for Peace, about coca eradication in Colombia.

Shoveling Water from Witness For Peace on Vimeo.

The other video is a well-done Al Jazeera report on Haiti, from about a month ago. I feel it gives a good insight into the realities of post-earthquake Haiti. It talks to people you don't see in other news reports, and it presents Haitians as normal people, who are trying to deal with what life throws them, just like the rest of us. It's refreshing to be reminded that Haitians are protagonists in their own lives, and should be the chief players in the reconstruction process. It sounds obvious. It is obvious. But somehow in the context of the Haitian earthquake, between press conferences with Bill Clinton, military deployments, a swarm of NGOs, and big donor money flying around, we haven't seen much of Haitians themselves, thinking about their situation and proposing solutions. They certainly are doing so, but they are often overlooked.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting the Shoveling Water video. We are thrilled to see it getting out in so many different places!
