Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Inca engineering

Here is a 2013 symposium that I have been watching a bit of in my free time.  It's about engineering in the Inca empire, and covers things like bridges, roads, terraces, and urban planning.  It seems that they did another such symposium two years later, in 2015, but I haven't started watching this yet.  In my former life I was tangentially involved in Andean archeology, so this kind of stuff fascinates me, though I haven't been able to keep up with it as much recently.  In the past I linked to a video about a suspension bridge that is still rebuilt in the Inca fashion every year in a small town in Peru.

You can find these videos, as well as many other cool discussions of Native American culture, history, and present, on the National Museum of the American Indian seminar archive site.

Next time I'm in DC I'd love to visit the whole exhibit on Inca engineering, which opened just before I left the city and is luckily open until 2020.

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