Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Underutilized Andean crops

Here is a very general article on native Andean crops, and their differing fates.  Some, like potatoes, have taken the world by storm, while others, like mashua (cubio or nabo in Colombia) seem to be decreasing in cultivation.  This is a topic that is near to my heart, since I worked for quite some time on a project researching and promoting Andean crops in central Colombia.  I set up an agronomic experiment comparing different varieties of achira or Canna indica.  We even published an article about it.

I have sort of rediscovered my passion for indigenous Andean cultures and agriculture recently.  I finally got to go to the exhibit at the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian on the Inca road system.  That's partially why I'm digging up this old stuff from my past life investigating these Andean crops.

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